Wellness Upgrade 28. August 2022 sellout Tech Culture (0) App Modernization is out. Wellness Upgrade is in. [More]
Copy Azure Vault Secrets with PowerShell 21. June 2022 sellout Azure (0) I am by no means good at PowerShell and I know I will need this info again. I wanted to copy the sec [More]
Dead Simple .NET Certification 1. April 2022 sellout .NET (0) internetsellout.com in partnership with Death King Industries LTD is preparing the requirements for [More]
Business Process Owners and Technocracy 12. November 2021 sellout Tech Culture (0) Maybe we have been fighting a losing battle and we need to embrace the Technocracy. For years I have [More]
Imperialism Scales 21. May 2021 sellout Tech Culture (0) But will it scale? That is the question that has driven the last 10 years of internet development ev [More]
App Pools in Azure App Service 2. March 2021 sellout .NET, IIS, Azure (0) I like IIS so when I first started playing with asp.net core I always set it up to run in IIS. The K [More]
Trying, ever so slowly, to embrace .net core 2. March 2021 sellout .NET (0) Trying ever so slowly to embrace .net core. It feels like .net core is now supposed to be lowercase. [More]
Service Connect Test to Live 10. November 2020 sellout XML (0) Service Connect doesn't have an obvious way to develop test Workflows and publish to a production wi [More]
Get a PowerShell result into a CMD variable 6. October 2020 sellout Windows (0) put this in your batch file:@echo off For /F %%t In ('PowerShell -command " (Get-Date).AddHours(-1 [More]
Cisco AnyConnect VPN and Remote Desktop Connection 22. April 2020 sellout Network (0) https://windowsasusual.blogspot.com/2016/10/cisco-anyconnect-vpn-and-remote-desktop.htmlI know it i [More]