Mod a Video Driver Install 12. August 2015 sellout (0) I did an in place upgrade of Windows 10. The previous OS was 8.1. I knew this Sony All-In-One NVidia [More]
Move Cert From Windows to Debian Linux 22. May 2015 sellout Certificates, Unix (0) I export to pfx PKCS#12 format on Windows. On Linux I use OpenSSL to extract the keys. [More]
DISKPART extend filesystem 19. May 2015 sellout Disk (0) Extending NTFS leaves the system volume 0 and the file system out of wack if it throws an error during the extend. [More]
Rip CD to Flac with Embedded Cue Sheet 11. May 2015 sellout Audio, Backup (0) I want an archive to be a single file with embedded information including album art and track list. I want the player to be able to open the file display the album art and have the track list show just as it would if I popped in a CD. [More]
Dynamic SQL Pivot 6. June 2014 sellout SQL (0) This SQL is to demonstrate a dynamic pivot query. It is dynamic because the number of columns is not known in advance. Or because it is known but the number of columns is large but incremental. In this sample the pivot column is week of year. SELECT * INTO #DATA FROM (SELECT CAST('Women... [More]
ASP.NET Write to Windows Event Logs 16. April 2014 sellout Logs (0) I like applications to write to the Windows Event Logs unless they are going to be verbose. Windows Event Logs can be collected and forwarded with a variety of tools for continuous monitoring. Sometimes logging errors is going to be way to noisy and an alternative is needed. But it is a go... [More]
Advice from a Sell Out: Don’t Let Your Job Determine Your Career 9. April 2014 sellout Tech Culture (0) Learn things you think will help your career by creating useful projects for yourself or friends using technology you want to explore. Learning by doing is best but doing without your job's business requirements lets you actually explore. If your job requires licenses to do it, if you can’t o... [More]
I Am Admin But I Can't Get Up 1. April 2014 sellout SQL (0) addselftosqlsysadmin.cmd (5.25 kb) Crap, why can't I connect to SQL Server, I am a local Admin what's the problem?
Learn Ham 5. March 2014 sellout SpamAssassin (0) I am starting a post on my struggles convincing spamassassin's Bayes classification system to learn ham. When I su into the user account I can run this command: sa-learn --dump magic and it tells me how many ham and spam it thinks it has seen. when I train spam it goes up, but not when I train ham... [More]
Turning Off IPv6 On Rackspace Cloud Server Blows 2. March 2014 sellout IIS, Network (0) I was trying to diagnose some issues with ASP.NET Web Forms post backs so I turned off IPv6 even though none of my websites were bound to IPv6 addresses. I unchecked it on the adapter property page. I had no logical reason for doing this. Then Windows Update stopped working. This was ... [More]