A Classic Rant from a Frustrated Developer 15. April 2020 sellout Tech Culture (0) I have a story about a contract job I did for a major company in the valley. I gave a bid to write a [More]
Security through Obscurity is the Best 21. February 2020 sellout Tech Culture (0) "This is not real security, security through obscurity is not secure."I heard this over and over a [More]
Merge Private and Public keys into PFX 16. January 2020 sellout Certificates (0) I buy cheap certificates. Yes I know there are free ones. I am just not clear on how to integrate th [More]
Harden IIS Asp.net 30. November 2018 sellout IIS (0) Unless you are running ancient IIS asp.net this should apply to most versions.X-Frame-OptionsIIS Ma [More]
Chrome Remote Desktop Curtain Mode Windows 10 18. November 2018 sellout Windows (0) https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=506555The great thing about turning this on i [More]
Dialectics Of Apathy 8. March 2018 sellout Tech Culture (0) Unfortunately we seem to be trapped in a dialectic of on the one hand:Progress: High tech advanced [More]
2 Levels RDP Change Password 3. July 2017 sellout Windows (0) Who gets the luxury of 1 level these days? There are times when I am Google Remote Desktop into Para [More]
Reset MySQL root password on Windows 24. May 2017 sellout SQL (0) This was done on MySQL 5.7.9. Probably MySQL is running on windows as a service.Stop the servi [More]
XSLT 1.0 Solutions 23. May 2017 sellout XML (0) JavaScript and JSON are the fashion now but once upon a time there was XML. XSLT is part of the XML [More]
Not in Azure Toto - AWS S3 Policy 1. September 2016 sellout (0) I was having trouble listing the contents of a bucket, this policy allowed upload, but not list:{ [More]