Azure SQL Freakshow - Part 1 12. April 2023 sellout Azure, SQL (0) The odyssey to Azure SQL has been difficult and I fear it is not over, hence the preemptive "Part 1" [More]
Reset MySQL root password on Windows 24. May 2017 sellout SQL (0) This was done on MySQL 5.7.9. Probably MySQL is running on windows as a service.Stop the servi [More]
Dynamic SQL Pivot 6. June 2014 sellout SQL (0) This SQL is to demonstrate a dynamic pivot query. It is dynamic because the number of columns is not known in advance. Or because it is known but the number of columns is large but incremental. In this sample the pivot column is week of year. SELECT * INTO #DATA FROM (SELECT CAST('Women... [More]
I Am Admin But I Can't Get Up 1. April 2014 sellout SQL (0) addselftosqlsysadmin.cmd (5.25 kb) Crap, why can't I connect to SQL Server, I am a local Admin what's the problem?
Moving MSSQL Databases to Different Partition 1. December 2013 sellout SQL (0) I just moved from one Rackspace cloud server to another. The main purpose was to get IIS 8 so I could do TLS/SNI. I got a skimpy partition for the system and the preinstalled SQL Server Web Edition databases were taking up precious space so I moved them with help from this article: http://technet.m... [More]
Tally Ho 7. November 2013 sellout SQL (0) CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_TallyHo] (@quantity int) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN( with cte(tally)as(select 1 union all select tally + 1 from cte where tally < @quantity)SELECT tally FROM cte ) I found a table at work called Tally that was a list of numbers. I thought it was sad until I needed ... [More]