.NET 4.5.1, IE 11, IIS 8 - oh my 4. December 2013 sellout IIS (0) This is not going well... The page size of asp.net had increased when comparing to 2008 R2 IIS 7.5 ASP.NET 4.0 C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\Appcmd.exe set config -section:httpCompression -[name='gzip'].staticCompressionLevel:9 -[name='gzip'].dynamicCompressionLevel:4 All of a sudden... [More]
Moving MSSQL Databases to Different Partition 1. December 2013 sellout SQL (0) I just moved from one Rackspace cloud server to another. The main purpose was to get IIS 8 so I could do TLS/SNI. I got a skimpy partition for the system and the preinstalled SQL Server Web Edition databases were taking up precious space so I moved them with help from this article: http://technet.m... [More]
Tally Ho 7. November 2013 sellout SQL (0) CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_TallyHo] (@quantity int) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN( with cte(tally)as(select 1 union all select tally + 1 from cte where tally < @quantity)SELECT tally FROM cte ) I found a table at work called Tally that was a list of numbers. I thought it was sad until I needed ... [More]
Did You Need an Excel Data Connection with Parameters - One with Multi-Values? 4. September 2013 sellout Excel (0) Const ValueSheetName As String = "MyParamSheet" Const ServerName As String = "ServerName" Public Sub GetData() ThisWorkbook.Names("Results").RefersToRange.Value = "Getting..." Dim oWorksheet As Worksheet On Error Resume Next Set oWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ValueSheetName) On E... [More]
Kill Process By User SID VB.NET 30. April 2013 sellout (0) I see a few C# Versions of this on the web. Here is a VB version. Private Shared Function ProcessKillByOwnerSID(sProcessName As String, sSID As String) As Integer Dim oProcesses() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(sProcessName) Dim i As Integer = 0 ... [More]
Back Up System State to Nas Share - Windows 7, 8 and Server 2012 5. March 2013 sellout (0) The backup operation that started at '2013-03-04T04:34:27.113260900Z' has failed with following error code '0xC03A0005' (The version does not support this version of the file format.). Please review the event details for a solution, and then rerun the backup operation once the issue is resolved. [More]
Excel ODBC DSN-less Connection 19. February 2013 sellout Excel (0) Create an Excel workbook with DSN-less Data Connection that works with parameterized stored procedures that take values from cells. [More]
Red Meat 28. January 2013 sellout Unix (0) Alameda County Line Use the above myspace link to listen to a lovely tune by Red Meat. Below is some fantastic advice I got from here. ^M is DOS line break charater which shows up in unix files when uploaded from a windows file system in ascii format.To remove this, open your file in vi editor a... [More]