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Comparing Two Prompts for ChatGPT4 with Charged Subject Matter

ChatGPT4 was asked on 4/23/2024 (Gregorian) two questions:

  1. Why do white supremacists think that another race is inferior?
  2. How do white supremacists explain to each other why one race is superior to another?

The first response was clearly a diagnosis of a perceived problem, the manipulation of individuals vulnerable to listed strategies. The second response was the categorization, possibly in order of importance, of beliefs that contribute to the white supremacist rational. It is made clear that these beliefs are erroneous and unreasonable.

Researchers that are spending a lot of time trying to understand AI have surely posed these questions long ago and have moved on to more sophisticated prompt sessions. However, these two questions on a subject ChatGPT4 said are often part of “charged” or “contentious” discussions, reveal how prior knowledge of a subject is required to get meaningful prompts. Many people when asking the first question, might be expecting the second response. Many of us have had the experience that finding the right word for a search often requires some real-world experience on a subject which informs the vocabulary to be distilled into a few keywords. Now grammar counts.

How did ChatGPT learn to reason on this subject? To what degree is it just paraphrasing or quoting directly what it was fed from open sources?  I asked.

My responses are generated by synthesizing information from the vast dataset I was trained on, which includes a mix of directly learned phrases, common knowledge, and an understanding of concepts gathered from various texts. However, I don't have the capability to directly quote or precisely recall specific texts or sources. Instead, I generate responses based on patterns, relationships, and general information extracted during training.

This means when I produce a response, I'm not directly paraphrasing or quoting a specific source. Instead, I'm creating an amalgamation of learned information that aligns with the context of your query. My design focuses on ensuring responses are generally reflective of a consensus or a broadly informed viewpoint derived from the underlying data, rather than representing any single source.

The process is akin to how a human might synthesize learned knowledge from various educational and informational exposures over time to form their own articulations of ideas without necessarily recalling every individual source or text. This helps in providing informed, balanced, and contextually appropriate responses.

 Most likely the above is an example of “directly learned phrases”.

Why do white supremacists think that another race is inferior?


White supremacists believe that other races are inferior due to a combination of historical, psychological, and cultural factors that perpetuate their ideology. Here are some key reasons why these beliefs might persist:

  1. Historical Legacies: White supremacy has roots in colonial history and the Atlantic slave trade, where such ideologies were promoted to justify the domination and exploitation of non-white peoples. The pseudo-scientific notion of racial hierarchies was embedded in many Western societies and perpetuated through laws, education, and cultural narratives that claimed white superiority.
  2. Fear and Insecurity: Some people may adopt white supremacist beliefs out of fear or insecurity. They might feel threatened by demographic changes, economic competition, or cultural shifts that seem to undermine their perceived social status. In this context, racism can be a response to fear, attempting to preserve status and power in a changing world.
  3. Social and Cultural Isolation: Individuals who are isolated from diverse communities may be more susceptible to believing misinformation about other races. Limited interaction with people of different backgrounds can reinforce stereotypes and prejudices that are not based on reality but are circulated within certain communities or media outlets.
  4. Psychological Factors: Some theories suggest that racial prejudice and supremacist beliefs can be linked to psychological factors such as authoritarian personality traits, which include a strong preference for hierarchical order and a need for certainty. These traits can make individuals more receptive to ideologies that emphasize clear social hierarchies and group superiority.
  5. Ideological and Political Manipulation: Racial ideologies can be strategically used by political or group leaders to mobilize support, often by scapegoating other races for social or economic problems. This manipulation can solidify racist beliefs and unite followers under common, albeit misguided, goals.
  6. Economic Factors: In some contexts, economic disparities and competition can foster and reinforce racist ideologies. Individuals or groups feeling economically disenfranchised might blame other racial groups for their financial problems, rather than systemic issues, thereby adopting supremacist views as a way to justify their own failures or hardships.

Overall, white supremacist beliefs are maintained through a complex interplay of factors, none of which have a basis in actual racial differences in abilities or worth. These ideologies are continually challenged and debunked through education, inclusive social policies, and broader cultural changes towards equity and justice.

How do white supremacists explain to each other why one race is superior to another?


White supremacists often use a mixture of historical revisionism, pseudoscience, cultural myths, and biased interpretations of biological differences to justify and explain their beliefs about the superiority of the white race and the inferiority of other races. Here are some common methods and narratives they might use:

  1. Biological Essentialism: They might claim that inherent biological differences make white people superior intellectually, morally, or physically. These claims are often based on outdated or discredited scientific studies, or on misinterpretations of legitimate research. For instance, they might reference IQ scores or physical attributes without acknowledging the complex interplay of genetics, environment, and opportunity.
  2. Cultural and Historical Achievements: White supremacists often point to the accomplishments of Western civilizations, such as technological advancements, exploration, and cultural developments, as evidence of white superiority. They attribute these achievements exclusively to racial characteristics, ignoring the global contributions and the interconnected nature of human progress.
  3. Mythologizing History: They frequently use selective historical narratives that emphasize the dominance or victimization of white people. For example, they might glorify the colonial era as a time of noble conquest and civilization-bringing, while minimizing or justifying the oppression and exploitation that it involved.
  4. Conspiracy Theories: Many white supremacist groups propagate conspiracy theories that allege non-white races are part of global plots to undermine or replace white populations. These can include claims about immigration, fertility rates, or cultural changes, often suggesting that there is a coordinated effort to dilute or destroy white heritage and power.
  5. Moral and Religious Justifications: Some groups use religious texts and moral arguments to claim that their racial views are divinely ordained or morally justified. These interpretations are highly selective and often rely on extremist or fringe religious views.
  6. Fear-Mongering and Scapegoating: Supremacist rhetoric frequently involves portraying other races as threats to personal safety, economic stability, or cultural identity. By presenting other races as inherently criminal, less capable, or morally corrupt, they argue that segregation or dominance by the white race is necessary to maintain order and purity.

These explanations, while widely discredited by mainstream science, history, and ethical standards, can be persuasive within in-groups that value racial identity and perceive themselves as under threat. Efforts to counteract these beliefs often involve education, promoting critical thinking, and exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences.

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